
A resource primarily intended to be heard

Interview with Clifford Antone, June 1, 2005 - audio, part 2

Joe Moody interviews Clifford Antone, part 2.
Side B: Antone explains how most blues musicians in the present day must reside in the rock music industry to be successful. He explains that he is busy with teaching students the history and musical influence of blues and rock & roll. The book he is writing also discusses how blues music contributed to rock & roll. He briefly mentions politics and his past legal problems, but expresses that he wants to move on. At the end of the interview, he gives advice to people about going to school rather than pursuing music.

Interview with Clifford Antone, June 1, 2005 - audio, part 1

Joe Moody interviews Clifford Antone, part 1.
Side A: Antone discusses his personal inspiration for his love for soul/blues music. He went to Austin to study law, but eventually opened a blues club in Austin, changing the night life of 6th Street. He later discusses its success and the celebrities that played there. He speaks about the difference in today's blues artists compared to the those of the 1970s.
Side A ends on middle of the transcript on page 17.

LBJ as Student [Tape 2 of 2, Side 1]

Oral History Interview with an unknown interviewer and interviewee discussing Lyndon Baines Johnson's time as a student at Southwest Texas State Teachers College.

LBJ as Student [Tape 1 of 2, Side 2]

Oral History Interview with an unknown interviewer and interviewee discussing Lyndon Baines Johnson's time as a student at Southwest Texas State Teachers College.

LBJ as Student [Tape 1 of 2, Side 1]

Oral History Interview with an unknown interviewer and interviewee discussing Lyndon Baines Johnson's time as a student at Southwest Texas State Teachers College.