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"Me and Sam (Both Sides),” pt 1

The first parts of this recording are voice messages left for Johnny. After the messages, Sam tells a story about his son meeting a girl that he was fixated on at a restaurant. Sam talks about his family, burying his mom and growing up. Johnny talks about having reoccurring dreams about certain people in his life. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.

"Me and Sam (Both Sides),” pt 2

This is a continuation of side A. They talk about memories and the difference between American and British actors. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.

David Koresh sermon

Sermon by David Koresh, undated. Label reads "Undated Sermon DK?"

“Phone 2002 Sam-Gene-Geenie"

Johnny has a conversation about a live show that is friend on the other end of the line played. Johnny also talks about a book that he is writing and how he wrote the ending first and is writing backwards. Later on, Johnny talks to Sam about the various guns they own. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.


Johnny talks with an unknown woman about writing his biography and the various things he has done with it, such as writing his own death at the end. The woman also talks to Johnny about writing her biography as well. The conversation eventually turns to talk about how Johnny went around and interviewed the people that he knows for his biography so that they could write their own story for it. Johnny tells a story of a former girlfriend who was forced by her father to drop out of college and forbade her from seeing him again and how they finally met up 30 years later. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.