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Milton Hines oral history interview

Milton Hines, general manager at Gonzales, sheds some light on how the GVEC operates, its strengths and weaknesses, and some of the obstacles the company faces on a regular basis.  Began working at GVEC in 1958.

President's Report to the Board of Regents, May 1991

Generally published each quarter, these reports include status of faculty and staff, policies, budgets, facilities, curriculum, and enrollment. Contents of reports vary over time and reflect the sate of the institution.

Dick Reavis speaking about "The Ashes of Waco," part 1

Part 1 of Dick Reavis speaking about The Ashes of Waco on The Christian Patriot Connection, KPBC radio.Includes Adask, Al and Ellis, Michael. Label reads "Author: Dick Reavis The Ashes of Waco - An investigation into the true story of the Davidians & the massacre at Mount Carmel Tape 1 of 2."