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Lola Cheatham oral history interview

Lola Cheatham, a long-time San Marcos resident talks about the growth of San Marcos and what Texas State used to be like. She recalls growing up and attending school in Caldwell County, going to college at Texas College in Tyler, and working for SWTSU for sixteen years. She shares her experiences and duties during her employment at the University Staff Lounge in Flowers Hall. Ms. Cheatham discusses university figures such as Emmie Craddock, John Flowers, LBJ, and Dana Smith, the university's first enrolled African-American student.

James Harrell oral history interview

James Harrell talks about growing up in Waco, studying in Dallas, and working in the movie business. He relays information about how Texas has grown to better support actors and the film industry, and outlines present trends in professional acting. Along with recalling changes he has seen in the university, he also discusses the evolution of the drama department and the new Speech and Drama Building.


Johnny talks about feeling like a “sleazy lecher” while telling a story about his last date a girl and how inappropriate it was. The conversations then changes to the topic of first dates and what to do on them. Johnny reads passages from the book he was writing at the time. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.