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Clara Louise Cape oral history interview

Clara Louise Harrison Cape (1892-1995) was married to Edward Matthew Cape (1890-1972), son of early San Marcos settler John Matthew Cape. Her scrapbooks and knowledge of local history contributed to the research that produced "Clear Springs and Limestone Ledges: A History of San Marcos and Hays County for the Sesquicentennial." For the first part of the interview, Cape reads from a prepared statement that highlights what she remembered about San Marcos after arriving here in 1906 when she was about 15 years old. She talks about how different Texas was from Alabama, life as a student at the East End School, and the creation of Southwest Texas State Normal School. Cape then answers interviewer questions, discussing topics including the San Marcos River, native vegetation, the Depression, her family history, and being a friend of Lyndon Johnson.

Retta Murphy oral history interview

In the 1978 interview, conducted by History faculty members Merry FitzPatrick and Ronald C. Brown, Dr. Henrietta "Retta" Murphy talks about her experiences at Southwest Texas State, from her arrival in 1919 when the school was still a Normal College, through her retirement in 1956.  She relates stories about President “Prexy” Evans, President Flowers, Lyndon Johnson, and mentions SWT professors H.M. Greene, James Taylor, Emmie Craddock, Alfred Nolle, and Betty Kissler among others. She also talks about her beliefs about education and teaching and offers examples from her years of teaching college students.  The interviewers and Dr. Murphy had a collegial relationship and they laughed through much of the interview.

Interview with Raymond Nelson

From 1999-2001, NASA partnered with History students at Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State) to conduct interviews with former employees who lived in the Central Texas area. Interviewees include managers, engineers, technicians, doctors, astronauts, and other employees of NASA and aerospace contractors who served in key roles during the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and Shuttle programs.