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LBJ at San Marcos Exhibit

Opening ceremony of an exhibit titled "LBJ at San Marcos" honoring President Johnson and commemorating the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965. After an introduction by Representative Pickle, the President speaks on the importance of education, particularly for very young children, and points with pride to his Great Society's educational programs. He also reads from his presidential memoir, The Vantage Point.

Band playing at Raw Deal. Doug Zobel and Kathy DuBose among audience

Doug Zobel (front center with arm on leg) and Kathy DuBose (seated, wearing glasses, back turned to camera, looking to her left) and other patrons watching an unidentified band play at The Raw Deal. Guitars were not typically allowed in the original Raw Deal location

David Richards standing with baseball glove in field

David Richards, husband of former Texas Governor Ann Richards, standing with baseball glove in field; Richards is playing for The Raw Deal baseball team against another team of employees from a bar in San Antonio. The game took place in New Braunfels.