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The Teachers College Bulletin, Volume VII, No. 3

Catalogs contain information about the university, such as deans, accreditations, and academic policies. Includes information on admissions, yearly academic calendar, academic colleges and departments, registering, course descriptions and numbers.

The Teachers College Bulletin, Volume VII, No. 3, May 1941

Catalogs contain information about the university, such as deans, accreditations, and academic policies. Includes information on admissions, yearly academic calendar, academic colleges and departments, registering, course descriptions and numbers.

Action Magazine, March 1975

Cover story on Willie Nelson
Additional machine-extracted names mentioned in this issue: Stan Burch, Sun Fighter, Peter Fonda, Dale Jackson, Doug Kershaw, George McClain, Augie Meyer, Derek Moore, Warren Oates, Ron Rose, William Specht, Frank Spellman, Kenneth Threadgill, Buzz Williams.

Action Magazine, October 1976

Cover story on Hondo Crouch's death
Additional machine-extracted names mentioned in this issue: Dan Aitken, Scotty Blair, Ronnie Branham, Milton Carroll, Roy Clark, Chon Davila, Pam Grimes, Ernie Haessly, Paul Harvey, Roy Head, Sweat Hog, Elvis Ii, Jerry Jeff, Waylon Jennings, Marie Laveau, Rick Loranc, Augie Meyers, Ronnie Milsap, John Monfrey, Willie Nelson, Gary Nunn, Bob Oldreive, Ed Reeves, Lana Seekatz, Artly Snuff, Kenny Starr, Dana Valery, Bob Wills, Tammy Wynette.