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Spanish Presidial Administration as Exemplified by the Inspection of Pedro de Rivera, 1724-1728

Retta Murphy's unpublished doctorial dissertation signed by advisors for the University of Texas. Leaves iii-iv:
"The presidio, the mission, and the town were characteristic features of Spanish imperial expansion in America. In the accumulation and preservation of official records, and consequently in the presentation of facts to historical investigators, the presidio was far less notable than either the mission or the civil settlement. In the study of the history of colonial Spanish America a great deal of interest and emphasis has centered upon the sites, the foundings, the efforts, and the significances of numerous missions, as well as upon the development or decline of some towns. Military institutions have received less emphasis, except in the narratives of campaigns and conquests. Increasing investigation of presidial affairs, however, is according a finer balance to the whole study of the Spanish American colonies. In the eighteenth century the Spanish colonial empire was usually more active in the work of maintenance than in that of expansion, and New Spain was the most important part of that empire. The military posts in northern New Spain contributed no little to the institutional life of the frontiers and to the problems of the governing officials in Madrid and in the City of Mexico. It is the purpose of this writing to portray many of these problems of military administration, as they were producing, early in the second quarter of that century, a program of reform which centered around the presidial inspection by Brigadier Don Pedro de Rivera."

Action Magazine, December 1976

Cover story on Kindrick cartoon by Bob Rohan
Additional machine-extracted names mentioned in this issue: Mark Abernathy, Ronnie Allen, Marcia Ball, Ronnie Branham, Cooter Brown, Jackson Browne, Johnny Bush, Vikki Carr, Jimmy Casas, Patsy Coleman, Alvin Crow, Kent Finlay, Chuck Formes, Bill Francis, Mike Garrity, Jim Glass, Alex Habeeb, Kyle Harris, Miss Healy, Marlene James, Waylon Jennings, Cam King, Wimpy Lassiter, Carlyne Majers, Darrell McCall, Augie Meyers, John Monfrey, Joker Moon, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Charlie Pride, Paul Ray, Dub Robinson, Bananas Rodriguez, Frank Rodriguez, Jorge Roque, Rico Rosales, Stan Rupert, Doug Sahm, Bobby Smith, Rod Stewart, Ernest Tubb, Bob Wills.